Tag: open calls

OPEN CALL “Emotion-Scapes”

“Emotion-Scapes” Open call

Is emotion a purely personal experience or is it involved in broader socio-political processes, in the making of history it-shelf? If so, are intimate, public and mass-scale emotions distinct categories or they are experienced in a constant flux?

Art has always been one of the oldest and most profound mediums of expressing and producing emotion in public.

The exhibition aspires to present a discussion on how art shapes the emotion-scapes of today. Through their artworks, artists are called to reflect on the role that emotion plays in their creations and the possible interplays between personal and social feelings.

All mediums, sizes and forms of Art are welcomed.

You may submit your artowork via email at gallery@exhibit8.com.cy.

For more info please call 25 21 21 71.

Submission Deadline: 16th of December


Art Curator: Eleanna Avouri

Art Director: Sonia Photiou


Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday: 10:00 – 23:00/ Saturday: 12.00 – 23:00

Exhibit8 Gallery: Georgiou Gennadiou 16 & Andrea Themistokleous, Katholiki, 3041 Limassol

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